Pinterest Traffic Secrets

Why You Need Pinterest Traffic

Why you need to learn these Pinterest Traffic Secrets. Pinterest is the fourth largest social media platform behind Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

A lot of marketers ignore the potential of Pinterest because it is an image based platform. This means that marketers have to create or edit images to attract attention rather than just type words. They are missing out on a great traffic opportunity.

Pinterest Traffic SecretsThere is an old saying that “a picture paints a thousand words” and this is certainly true when it comes to marketing. You see people are a lot more likely to find out what is behind an image than they are to read lengthy text. Text is boring – images are not.

Pinterest is different to other social media platforms. There is not a great deal of social interaction going on and people use Pinterest to discover and save new things. This is great news for marketers as you can target your audience at different stages of the buying process.

Pinterest now gets more than 200 million visitors every month. Did you know that 40% of people that use Pinterest have a household income of more than $100,000? In the United States over 29% of adults use Pinterest. That is a huge amount and it is increasing year on year.

If your target market is millennials then you will be excited to know that one in two visits Pinterest each month. If you have a product or service aimed at the millennial market then you simply must have a presence on Pinterest.

Some Interesting Pinterest Traffic Secrets

An interesting fact about Pinterest is that 93% of the people that are active users do so to plan for their purchases. So what you need to do is to create content for different stages of the buying process. It is good to educate first and then provide information about your products and services.

Pinterest BadgePinterest has a facility where you can promote a Pin. These appear naturally in a user’s feed and you can target specific demographics. Promoted Pins work really well and as many as 50% of Pinterest users have made a purchase after seeing these Pins.

Mobile dominates Pinterest searches with almost 85% occurring on mobile devices through the Pinterest app. It is very important that you verify your website as these Pins rank higher in the search results. Adding relevant hashtags will also improve rankings.

Pinterest users are more amenable to branded commercial content. In fact 78% of Pinterest users say that they welcome this content. This is no match for this on any other social media platform where people are fed up with commercial content.

Recent figures support the claim that you will receive $2 in profit for every $1 that you spend on Pinterest advertising. This is not such a surprise when you understand that 55% of Pinterest users search for products to purchase.

internet marketing trafficData has proven that 70% of Pinterest users will search, save or click on a Pin. The better the job you make of describing your Pin and adding it to the right board the more chance you will have of being found by this 70%.

You should use Rich Pins as much as you can because over 14 million of them are Pinned on a daily basis. Rich Pins contain a lot more information than standard Pins which makes them a lot more likely to be shared in the network.

Marketers often have some strange misconceptions about Pinterest. Some think that it is a platform dominated by women who use it to share images of their DIY projects or their favorite recipes.

But the big brands such as Apple, Lowe’s and Walmart would not have a significant presence on the platform if this is the case would they? The truth is that whatever niche you are in you can drive traffic using Pinterest.

✅ This applies if you create your own product or services or promote as an affiliate. Did you know that Pinterest allows the use of affiliate links in Pins? Well they do so if you are an affiliate marketer then do not ignore Pinterest.
So how does Pinterest stack up against some of the other social media giants? Here are some interesting facts:
  • A Pinterest Pin is likely to be spread around 100 times more than a Twitter Tweet
  • A single Pin can lead to two page visits and six page views on average
  • For ecommerce businesses the numbers show that a single Pin can generate 78 cents in revenue
  • A Pinterest Pin lasts longer! The average life span is a week for a Pin compared to 90 minutes for a Facebook post and only 24 minutes for a Twitter Tweet

Most popular Pinterest niches:

  • Cooking and Recipes
  • Health and Fitness
  • Making Money
  • Blogging
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Beauty
  • Fashion
  • Parenting
Resource ListsIn fact you are likely to find people interested in just about any niche on Pinterest. There will be at least one board with passionate followers for even the most obscure of niches. So never believe that you cannot find an audience for your niche on Pinterest.

So now that you know that Pinterest is an excellent platform for traffic, let’s take a look at the Pinterest Traffic Secrets you need to know to get your share:

Create a Pinterest Business Account

A Pinterest Business Account is free and you will be able to access Pinterest Analytics with it. This is very important as you will be able to see how well your Pins are performing. In order to activate your business account you must verify your website which is very easy to do.
With a business account you can also make an application for Rich Pins. There are six categories of Rich Pins which are:
  • Product
  • Article
  • App
  • Movie
  • Place
  • Recipe

internet marketing strategies featured imageWith each of these categories there is an upgrade available where you can create a direct link to your site or create real time pricing for example.

If you are a blogger then article Pins will be of value to you. With an article Pin you can not only show off your latest blog post but also increase the size of the headline and add your logo to it. You can control all of this using plugins for WordPress.

Provide a Compelling Description

Engagement is key to your success with Pinterest. So you need to provide descriptions for your Pins that will get attention from your audience. The Pins that receive the highest engagement on Pinterest have descriptions that are helpful to the users. You can obtain as much as 30% higher engagement if your description is helpful.

Provide as much detail as you can in a couple of sentences. Tell the users the main benefits of clicking through to your website. Use positive sentiments in your descriptions and draw on the emotions of the users by using sensory related terms. Your description needs to be interesting for your audience.

Always add a call to action (CTA) to your descriptions. People need to be lead and this applies to Pinterest Pins as much as it does any other form of content. So increase your chances of higher engagement by adding phrases such as “click to find out more” and so on.

Don’t just confine all of your text to the description. Add words to your Pinned images as well (more on this later). Yes it will take a bit more work but if you get this right it will certainly be worth it. Obviously do not drown your image with too many words.

Go for a description of around 200 characters as these have proven to be the most re-pinnable. Be sure to include keywords in your descriptions to optimize for search. Adding relevant hashtags is also a good idea.

Use the Best Images for Maximum Engagement

Don’t just Pin any image on Pinterest and expect floods of traffic. You need to use images that are optimized for engagement. One of the most important things to remember about Pinterest is that it favors images that are taller than they are wide. This is to make it easy for people using mobile devices.
When you are creating your image go for an aspect ratio of 2:3 or 4:5 – an image that is 600 pix wide by 900 pix tall is the recommended size. Though I have been having good success with 600 pix wide by 1250 pix tall pins. Long Pins really work well as they take up a lot of space in news feeds which will ensure that they are seen by most users.

Using Pinterest To Promote Your Affiliate Marketing BusinessWhat about the way that your images look? It may surprise you to know that images without human faces usually attract 23% more repins. Vibrant colors really work well and will attract users. Don’t just use a white background. Use a background that adds to what your Pin is about.

Do not use dark images on Pinterest. Lighter images perform so much better. Also include red tones if you can. Tests have proven that Pins with red tones such as pinks, reds and oranges can get twice as many repins as those using blue tones.

Use the highest quality images. High resolution images will outperform low resolution images every time.

Don’t go crazy with your branding. Add your logo by all means but don’t make it detract from the theme of the Pin.

Add Text to your Images

A great image with enticing text added to it is the best way to drive traffic back to your website. An image with no text can be easily overlooked whereas an image with the right amount of text can really draw attention. But you need to do this right.
What is the main benefit of a Pinterest user clicking through to your website? Use this in the text that you add to your image. Make the benefit as short as possible and use different font styles and colors to make your message stand out.

You can find free image editing programs online for free such as Canva or PicMonkey. Alternatively you can use conventional tools such as Adobe Photoshop.

Post your Pins at the Right time

Every hour of every day Pinterest shows hundreds of Pins. If you post your Pins at the right times then you will maximize your chances of getting the most repins. You need to do your research and find out when your target audience is the most likely to be using Pinterest.

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You can apply common sense here. If you are targeting the USA market then don’t post your Pins during normal working hours as most of your audience will not be logged on to Pinterest.
Research has shown that nearly 52% of users visit Pinterest less than once a week. This means that you need a consistent Pinning strategy but be careful not to overdo it. Around 9% of users visit Pinterest several times a day and around 17% of users go to the site at least once per day.
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